Welcome to our website
Welcome to the Sask Alta Radio Club.
Our intention is to provide a resource to prospective new radio operators interested in getting licensed, current amateurs who want to check out something new and all others interested in what our club and it’s members are up to.
For those passing through at any time, you stand a good chance of contacting someone whenever you call on our system . It covers from Paynton SK to Vegreville AB and a good distance on each side. (click VE5RI).
Club Meetings
We have club meetings to discuss our projects, policies and activities. For more details check out our Club Meetings and Events pages
Breakfast Meetups
We usually meet up in person Saturday mornings at 8AM for breakfast and monitor the VE5RI Repeater Network. We currently get together Maggie Mae’s or join us on VE5RI with your coffee.
Maggie Mae’s
5620 44 St
Lloydminster, AB.
Sunday Evening Net
There is a Sunday evening net on the VE5RI system at 9:00 PM. This net has been operating intermittently since the club started in 1975. Please join us for a quick chat and update on activities of each check-in. We watch for Echolink check-ins also.
Interested in Becoming and Amateur Radio Operator?
We hold a basic class once a year and an advanced class based on interest.
Basic Class Starting Saturday October 19th, 2024
Click buttons for info on specific class.
Basic ClassAdvanced ClassUpcoming Events
Certificate Generator
We are working on a Certificate Generator for special events we run.
You can find it by going to saskaltarc.ca/event-certificates/or by going to the Club drop menu in the menu bar.
Currently Available Events:
– VE6DDAY Special Event 2024
Steve VE6SRL
“I have a deceased Radio Shack HTX202. Free to anyone who might want it for parts or salvage. Can drop it off in Lloydminster.
News & Media
Go to News & Media page for all articles //>