Time: Every Sunday @ 9:00PM Mountain Standard Time (MST)
You can login via Echolink to the VE5RI Repeater Network to participate in the weekly net.
Weekly Sunday VHF Net Suggested Format
Good evening everyone and welcome to the Sask Alta Amateur Radio Club VHF, this is {CALL SIGN} {NAME} and I will be net controller for tonight.
Prior to check-ins
Is there any emergency or priority traffic for the net?
Are there any reports of sick or hospitalized amateurs?
We will now listen for stations that would like to check into the net this evening.
Any Echo link checki-ns – come now?
Other check-ins – come now?
Starting in with top of list – ask each station if any other traffic, announcements or bulletins?
Ask for any other check-ins
Ask if anyone has a general topic of discussion or information request for tonight that they wish to ask?
There were a total of [Number of People] check-ins tonight. Having completed all traffic, we will now close the net for this evening and return all repeaters to their normal operation.